If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a hundred times: practice everything in moderation; balance is the key. Of course, even when we’ve let our exercise routine slide, or our healthy eating plan has been slightly derailed (hello holiday season!), we know in our hearts that it’s true. And this sentiment is rarely as […]
Why look after your pH levels?
Stay active in the cold weather
It’s winter and it’s cold. We get it. But do you really want to be carrying a bunch of excess weight around when Memorial Day gets here, all because you didn’t want to go outside? if you’re in a cold part of the world, it’s time to stop fearing the weather, and instead embrace it […]
Tricks to eat more vegetables in the new year
When it comes to the best diet for health, everyone has their own opinions, prejudices, and ideas. But one thing everyone agrees on is that most of us should be eating more vegetables. 5-10 daily servings, which adds up to between two-and-a-half and five cups full of veggies, is a good target to aim for. […]
Less talked about reasons to exercise
Most of us know that exercise is good for your health, helps you sleep better, and can improve your disposition. And while these benefits are undoubtedly great, you may wonder if there are any other, less talked about ways exercise can improve your life. To bring some of these benefits out into the open, we’ve […]
How to stick to your fitness resolutions
The new year is the perfect time to start thinking about fitness resolutions. Everyone can make them, but the problem is that not many people end up going through with what they set out to do. In fact, some may even break them off before they’ve got started. Whether it’s losing weight, getting in shape, […]
Barbell basics for women
Some women believe that barbells are made solely for men. However, this is far from being true. A barbell is one of the most effective and versatile pieces of equipment a woman can use to work out the upper and lower body muscle groups and strengthen the body. The problem is that the barbell area […]
Reach your best health with these nutrients
While almost everyone knows the merits of eating fruits and vegetables, many of us forget that there is another key ingredient that is needed to achieve your best health: minerals. Yes, most people know it’s important to get enough calcium for strong bones and teeth, but what are the other minerals your body needs on […]
How to avoid joint injuries during exercise
Exercise provides various health benefits, including improved cardiovascular fitness, weight loss, blood pressure control, and so much more. However, working out too hard or for too long can put a lot of stress on your joints, thereby increasing the risk of joint injuries. The causes of common joint injuries include repeated impact, overuse of joints, […]
The benefits of eating ginger
Originating in China, ginger is a flowering plant that has a long history of use in alternative medicines. From fighting colds to treating nausea and indigestion, ginger has served as a natural remedy for people all over the world for centuries. So why is this herb so powerful, and how can it improve your health? […]
5 ways to tone up with dumbbells
We’ve all heard the myths about lifting weights making women bulky. However, that’s far from being true – when you pick up heavy things, your muscles get stronger, not necessarily bigger. That’s why every woman should incorporate weight training sessions into her workout routines, in order to get a leaner and stronger body. But the […]
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