7 reasons to start a running routine

Spring is here, and that means there’s no better time to add running to your exercise routine. While there are a lot of women out there who hate the mere thought of running, we know there are plenty of others on the fence about it. So if you’re teetering, don’t dismiss lacing up your sneakers […]

Muscle soreness and working out

Doubling as a badge of honor, soreness is physical proof that you really pushed yourself and got out of bed for a workout. It might be normal for newbies to experience soreness after their first trip to the gym but for veterans that swear by the “no pain, no gain” mindset might want to reconsider. […]

What to eat after working out

No matter how long your workout is, eating a proper meal afterward is important. Many say that the body is a temple, yet not too many treat it as such. The key to optimizing each and every workout is to eat a proper meal to help the body recover from strenuous exercise. Make sure the […]

Electrolytes: necessity or accessory?

Electrolytes are in the colorful, tasty sport drinks that help you through your workout. They also remind you of how athletes would treat themselves after crossing the finish line. But how big of a part do they play in unleashing the workout beast? Before marching towards the vending machine, here are a few things you […]

Losing weight doesn’t mean more exercise

It is undeniable that there are many health benefits attributed to exercise. However, for those working out to lose weight, it is not enough to exercise only. When you increase your levels of physical activity, the body can find a way to adapt. Therefore, just because you exercise more doesn’t mean you will also lose […]

When it’s wise to avoid exercise

When it comes to a healthy lifestyle, exercise is undoubtedly important. But is there ever a time when it’s best to skip a workout session or two? While it may sound surprising, sometimes that’s exactly what you should do. If you’re trying to reach your optimal health, exercise isn’t always the answer. Here are a […]

How exercise benefits your whole body

You’ve heard it all before – exercise is good for your body and overall health. But just what exactly does that mean? When people think of exercise they’re trying to lose some weight, stay physically fit and improve their overall quality of life. But did you know that exercise can have a positive impact on […]

6 helpful tips to lose belly fat

Excess belly fat is a common problem for many women. It is considered as the most dangerous kind of fat, since it greatly increases the risks of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer. What’s more, belly fat is heavily influenced by your hormones. That’s why doing rigorous abs workouts and following a […]

How to Beat the Dreaded Bloat

Being bloated is no fun for anyone. At best it can make you feel uncomfortable and make your favorite pair of jeans too tight, and at its worst it can give you a terrible stomach ache or abdominal pains and even diarrhea, perhaps even necessitating a day or two off work. But what foods actually […]

5 ways to tone up with dumbbells

We’ve all heard the myths about lifting weights making women bulky. However, that’s far from being true – when you pick up heavy things, your muscles get stronger, not necessarily bigger. That’s why every woman should incorporate weight training sessions into her workout routines, in order to get a leaner and stronger body. But the […]