I hope everyone enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday. Be sure to consider including plenty of visits to ASRC as a counter balance to all the holiday parties and good food and drink that typically accompany this time of year.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank each of you for allowing me the privilege of serving as your board president during 2013. I learned a great deal about club operations and the various nuances of managing a not-for-profit swim and tennis club during my two years on the board.
I’d like to thank the other board members who are also terming out for their volunteer service. Mike Bergstrom, our facilities chair for the past two years and Peter Stone, our swim team liaison for the past two years. Yogi Ransing as of this writing may be staying on for a period of time but I’d like to acknowledge his contributions as our finance chair the past two years.
Come January 2014, Brett Houston will be taking the reins as your board president and I state with the utmost confidence the club is in good hands. As vice president, Brett has been instrumental in helping steer many of the critical engagements our board scrutinized and approved this year. A number of the ASRC facilities improvements and repair projects approved by the 2013 board will kick off and be completed in 2014 and Brett is intimately involved with each of them.
I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the community meeting the evening of December 18th.
We can only be successful if we hear from you, our members. Please reach out to Dan (dchapman@asrc.org) or myself (slspring67@gmail.com) with any questions, thoughts or constructive feedback.
Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday season.
See you at the club.
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